Welcome to my travel blog!
I’m a wife & mom, living in sunny Florida, determined to make this next decade of life the best one yet. You know, 40s is the new 30s and shit like that. I love to travel, my husband doesn’t (we have very different travel styles anyways) so I take trips with my teenagers, friends/family, and solo.
Some bullet points about me…
• I like pretty photos (both taking and admiring them). Photos are one of the main souvenirs I bring from my travels.
• I try to keep on top of my fitness because food is usually at least 50% of my travel plans.
• I’m a big fan of lattes (caffeine in general really) and love to find coffee shops that are local to the area. I avoid Starbucks like the plague whenever possible, but sometimes I get desperate.
• A couple months before my 40th birthday, I came down with a serious case of wanderlust.
I love having a digital record of my life, whether it’s through blogging or Facebook, and it’s not uncommon for me to get lost reminiscing through old posts or photo albums online. As I mentioned above, I’ve recently come down with the wanderlust bug so what better way to keep track of my travels and travel related thoughts than by blogging about them.
In addition to travel recaps/daily travel journaling, I hope to include some helpful posts about what to pack and what to do when you get where you’re going.
Cheers to my 40s being the decade of adventures!
Next up >>>>> Cancun, Mexico!
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